The 15 cm. Spot-On Sundial in Stainless Steel
for the London latitude

The sundial
measures 15 x 15 x 11 cm. high, and weighs 1.75 kg. It can be attached
to a plinth or any other horizontal service using the four blind M6
threaded holes at 10 cm. centres on the underside. If it is to be
used freestanding, for example, on a windowsill, four self-adhesive
feet are supplied to give a 9 mm. spacing between the surface and
the sundial.
This sundial features the split gnomon which is the distinctive innovation
of all sundials in the Spot-On family. It can be set up accurately
to true North, following the procedure on our setup
The price of the 15 cm. Spot-On Sundial in stainless steel is £150
+ £10 packing and delivery.
At present, this sundial is made only for the latitude of London,
and is thus suitable for locations in the southern half of England,
Ireland south of Dublin, and most of Germany. For other locations,
please send
us an Email
