Our latitude and longitude page will help you to find the input data you need for our unique Solar Noon Calculator
The time of solar noon depends on the Equation of Time and on the difference in longitude between your location and the standard meridian of the time zone you are in. It is slightly different for every day of the year. Our unique Solar Noon Calculator will provide you with a table showing the exact time of solar noon for your location for each day of the year. If you prefer, you can print out the values of the Equation of Time, which gives you the difference between solar time and clock time for each day of the year.
Note that our calculator requires that your latitude and longitude be in decimal format. If your co-ordinates are in Degrees, Minutes, Seconds please click here.
Note: The values given by the Calculator are averages for the full leap year cycle of four years (1,461 days) and change slightly from year to year. The range of variation for the 1st day of each month is shown below:Jan - 21 secs | May - 5 secs | Sept - 6 secs |
Feb - 6 secs | June - 7 secs | Oct - 15 secs |
Mar - 9 secs | July - 9 secs | Nov - 1 sec |
Apr - 14 secs | Aug - 2 secs | Dec - 17 secs |